MacWorld 1998 June
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HTML and CSS modes
HTML and CSS Modes
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## -*-Tcl-*-
# ###################################################################
# HTML mode - tools for editing HTML documents
# FILE: "htmlCustom.tcl"
# created: 96-06-29 21.36.50
# last update: 98-03-12 20.06.39
# Author: Johan Linde
# E-mail: <jl@theophys.kth.se>
# www: <http://bach.theophys.kth.se/~jl/Alpha.html>
# Version: 2.1
# Copyright 1996-1998 by Johan Linde
# This software may be used freely, and distributed freely, as long as the
# receiver is not obligated in any way by receiving it.
# If you make improvements to this file, please share them!
# ###################################################################
proc htmlDisabled {} {
alertnote "Disabled function!"
error "Disabled function!"
# Defining new HTML elements.
proc htmlNewElement {} {
global htmlElemAttrOptional1 htmlURLAttr htmlColorAttr htmlWindowAttr htmlElemAttrUsed
global PREFS htmlElemAttrRequired1 htmlElemAttrChoices1 htmlElemAttrNumber1
global htmlElemEventHandler1 htmlElemProc htmlElemKeyBinding htmlPlugins
global HTMLmodeVars specURL specColor specWindow htmlSpecURL htmlSpecColor htmlSpecWindow
global htmlVersion htmlShownWarning htmlAdditionExist cssModeIsLoaded
if {[info exists htmlShownWarning]} {htmlDisabled}
set invalidInput 1
set values {"" 1 1 0 0}
while {$invalidInput} {
set box "-t {New element} 10 10 100 25 -e [list [lindex $values 0]] 110 10 250 25 \
-c {Has closing tag} [lindex $values 1] 10 40 150 55 \
-t {Element type} 10 80 100 95 -r Normal [lindex $values 2] 10 100 100 115 \
-r {INPUT element with TYPE given above} [lindex $values 3] 10 120 300 135 \
-r {Plug-in} [lindex $values 4] 10 140 100 155 \
-b OK 20 170 85 190 -b Cancel 105 170 170 190"
set values [eval [concat dialog -w 340 -h 200 $box]]
if {[lindex $values 6]} {return}
set element [string toupper [string trim [lindex $values 0]]]
set closingTag [lindex $values 1]
if {[lindex $values 2]} {
set elemType normal
} elseif {[lindex $values 3]} {
set elemType input
} else {
set elemType plugin
# Check that input is ok.
if {![string length $element]} {
alertnote "You must specify the element."
} elseif {[info exists htmlElemAttrOptional1($element)]} {
alertnote "The element $element is already defined."
} elseif {![regexp {^[-_a-zA-Z0-9]+$} $element]} {
alertnote "Invalid characters in element name. For example, it may not contain spaces."
} else {
set invalidInput 0
# Get a key binding.
if {[catch {dialog::getAKey $element ""} keyStr]} {return}
# Get the attributes
set allattributes [htmlGetCustomAttrs $element {}]
if {![string length $allattributes]} {return}
set optional [lindex $allattributes 0]
set AttrRequired [lindex $allattributes 1]
set AttrNumber [lindex $allattributes 2]
set AttrChoices [lindex $allattributes 3]
set EventHandler [lindex $allattributes 4]
set URL [lindex $allattributes 5]
set Color [lindex $allattributes 6]
set Window [lindex $allattributes 7]
# Get the layout.
if {$elemType != "normal" || !$closingTag} {
set customproc [htmlSetCustProc1 {0 0} $elemType $element]
} else {
set customproc [htmlSetCustProc2 {1 0 0 0} $element]
if {![string length $customproc]} {return}
# Save the element
message "Saving new element…"
set isfile [file exists $PREFS:HTMLadditions.tcl]
if {![file exists $PREFS]} {mkdir $PREFS}
set fid [open $PREFS:HTMLadditions.tcl a+]
if {!$isfile} {puts $fid $htmlVersion}
puts $fid "$element \{set htmlElemKeyBinding($element) [list $keyStr]\}"
set htmlElemKeyBinding($element) $keyStr
htmlDeleteCache "CSS keybindings cache"
if {[info exists cssModeIsLoaded]} {cssBindOneKey $keyStr $element}
puts $fid "$element \{set htmlElemProc($element) [list $customproc]\}"
set htmlElemProc($element) $customproc
foreach rcne [list AttrRequired AttrChoices AttrNumber EventHandler] {
if {[llength [set $rcne]]} {
puts $fid "$element \{set htmlElem${rcne}1($element) [list [set $rcne]]\}"
set htmlElem${rcne}1($element) [set $rcne]
# Remove possible old versions of htmlElemAttrUsed
if {[info exists htmlElemAttrUsed($element)]} {
unset htmlElemAttrUsed($element)
removeArrDef htmlElemAttrUsed $element
puts $fid "$element \{set htmlElemAttrOptional1($element) [list $optional]\}"
set htmlElemAttrOptional1($element) $optional
foreach ucw [list URL Color Window] {
if {[llength [set $ucw]]} {
foreach a [set $ucw] {
puts $fid "$element \{lappend html${ucw}Attr $a\}"
lappend html${ucw}Attr $a
if {$elemType == "plugin"} {
puts $fid "$element \{lappend htmlPlugins $element\}"
lappend htmlPlugins $element
foreach ucw [list URL Color Window] {
if {[llength [set spec$ucw]]} {
puts $fid "$element \{lappend htmlSpec$ucw [set spec$ucw]\}"
append htmlSpec$ucw " " [set spec$ucw]
close $fid
set htmlAdditionExist 1
htmlRebuildMenu "Inserting new element in menu…"
htmlEnableExtend [info exists htmlElemKeyBinding] $htmlAdditionExist
if {!$HTMLmodeVars(simpleColoring)} {
regModeKeywords -a -k $HTMLmodeVars(tagColor) HTML [concat "<$element" "/$element"]
regModeKeywords -a -k $HTMLmodeVars(attributeColor) HTML [concat $AttrRequired $optional]
message "Done."
if {[llength $optional]} {htmlUseAttributes2 $element}
unset specURL
unset specColor
unset specWindow
# Get attributes to custom element.
proc htmlGetCustomAttrs {element allattrs {nomore 1}} {
global htmlURLAttr htmlColorAttr htmlWindowAttr
global specURL specColor specWindow
set allHTMLattrs [htmlGetAllAttrs]
set optional {}
set AttrRequired {}
set AttrChoices {}
set AttrNumber {}
set EventHandler {}
set URL {}
set Color {}
set Window {}
set specURL {}
set specColor {}
set specWindow {}
set i 0
set dispAttr $allattrs
while {1} {
incr i
if {[catch {htmlCustomInpAttr $element $i $dispAttr $nomore} attribute]} {
if {$attribute != "Remove last!"} {return}
set toremove [lindex $dispAttr [expr [llength $dispAttr] - 1]]
set dispAttr [lreplace $dispAttr [expr [llength $dispAttr] - 1] [expr [llength $dispAttr] - 1]]
set allattrs [lreplace $allattrs [expr [llength $allattrs] - 1] [expr [llength $allattrs] - 1]]
set elemrm [lindex $toremove 0]
if {[lindex $toremove 1] == "(Flag)"} {
if {[set ind [lsearch -exact $AttrRequired $elemrm]] >=0} {
set AttrRequired [lreplace $AttrRequired $ind $ind]
} elseif {[set ind [lsearch -exact $optional $elemrm]] >=0} {
set optional [lreplace $optional $ind $ind]
} else {
foreach l [list optional AttrRequired AttrChoices AttrNumber EventHandler URL Color Window] {
set tmp {}
foreach m [set $l] {
if {![string match "${elemrm}=*" $m]} {
lappend tmp $m
set $l $tmp
foreach l [list URL Color Window] {
if {[set where [lsearch -exact [set spec$l] "${element}=[string trimright $elemrm =]"]] >= 0 || \
[set where [lsearch -exact [set spec$l] "${element}!=[string trimright $elemrm =]"]] >= 0} {
set spec$l [lreplace [set spec$l] $where $where]
incr i -2
if {![string length $attribute]} {break}
if {[lsearch -exact [string toupper $allattrs] [string toupper [lindex $attribute 0]]] >= 0} {
alertnote "$element already has an attribute '[lindex $attribute 0]'."
incr i -1
} else {
if {[catch {htmlCustomAttrFix $element [lindex $attribute 0] \
[lindex $attribute 1] $allHTMLattrs} thisattr]} {
incr i -1
lappend allattrs [string trimright [lindex $thisattr 0] =]
set attr [lindex $thisattr 0]
set thistype [lindex $thisattr 1]
if {[lindex $attribute 2]} {
lappend AttrRequired $attr
} elseif {$thistype != "Event handler"} {
lappend optional $attr
} else {
lappend EventHandler $attr
set attrext [expr ([lsearch -exact $allHTMLattrs $attr] >= 0 || [lsearch -exact $allHTMLattrs [string trimright $attr =]] >= 0)]
if {$thistype == "Choices"} {
foreach c [lindex $thisattr 2] {
lappend AttrChoices "$attr$c"
} elseif {$thistype == "Number"} {
lappend AttrNumber "$attr[lindex $thisattr 2]"
} elseif {$thistype == "URL" && [lsearch -exact $htmlURLAttr $attr] < 0 && !$attrext} {
lappend URL $attr
} elseif {$thistype == "Color" && [lsearch -exact $htmlColorAttr $attr] < 0 && !$attrext} {
lappend Color $attr
} elseif {$thistype == "Window" && [lsearch -exact $htmlWindowAttr $attr] < 0 && !$attrext} {
lappend Window $attr
lappend dispAttr "[string trimright $attr =] (${thistype})"
return [list $optional $AttrRequired $AttrNumber $AttrChoices $EventHandler $URL $Color $Window]
# Dialog for giving a new attribute.
proc htmlCustomInpAttr {element num allattrs nomore} {
set typeList [list Other Number Choices Flag URL Color Window {Event handler}]
set values {0 0 {} Other 0}
set invalidInput 1
while {$invalidInput} {
set box "-t {Attribute $num for $element} 10 10 330 25 \
-e [list [lindex $values 2]] 10 40 150 55 \
-t Type: 170 40 205 55 \
-m [list [concat [list [lindex $values 3]] $typeList]] \
210 40 330 55 -c Required [lindex $values 4] 10 70 130 85"
if {$num > 1} {append box " -b {Remove last} 340 100 450 120"}
if {$nomore || $num > 1} {append box " -b {No more attributes} 340 70 480 90"}
set wi 10
set ht 120
if {[llength $allattrs]} {
append box " -t {All attributes} 10 100 200 115"
foreach ch $allattrs {
append box " -t [list $ch] $wi $ht [expr $wi + 195] [expr $ht + 15]"
incr wi 200
if {$wi == 410} {
set wi 10
incr ht 20
if {$wi == 210} {incr ht 20}
if {$ht < 130} {set ht 130}
set values [eval [concat dialog -w 490 -h $ht \
-b OK 340 10 405 30 -b Cancel 340 40 405 60 $box]]
if {[lindex $values 1]} {
error "Cancel"
} elseif {$num > 1 && [lindex $values 5]} {
error "Remove last!"
} elseif {[lindex $values 0]} {
set thisattr [string trim [lindex $values 2]]
set thistype [lindex $values 3]
if {$thistype != "Event handler"} {set thisattr [string toupper $thisattr]}
set required [lindex $values 4]
if {![regexp {^[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*$} $thisattr]} {
alertnote "Invalid characters in attribute. For example, it may not contain spaces."
} elseif {[string length $thisattr]} {
if {$required && $thistype == "Event handler"} {
alertnote "Event handlers cannot be required attributes. It will be optional."
set required 0
set invalidInput 0
} else {
return [list $thisattr $thistype $required]
# Dialogs to give more info about new attributes.
proc htmlCustomAttrFix {element attr type allHTMLattrs {allchoices ""}} {
global htmlURLAttr htmlColorAttr htmlWindowAttr
global specURL specColor specWindow
# Check for special case with URL etc. if not called from htmlCustomNewChoice
# (then allchoices has length >0)
foreach ucw [list URL Color Window] {
if {[lsearch -exact [set html${ucw}Attr] "$attr="] >= 0 && $type != $ucw && ![llength $allchoices]} {
lappend spec$ucw "$element!=$attr"
switch $type {
Other {return [list "$attr=" $type]}
Number {
set values {0 0 0 {} 0}
while {1} {
set box "-t {Range for $attr} 60 10 290 25 -t {Minvalue:} 10 40 100 55 \
-e [list [lindex $values 2]] 110 40 130 55 -t {Maxvalue:} 150 40 240 55 \
-e [list [lindex $values 3]] 250 40 270 55 -c {Value may be given in percent} \
[lindex $values 4] 10 65 250 80"
set values [eval [concat dialog -w 300 -h 120 \
-b OK 20 90 85 110 -b Cancel 105 90 170 110 $box]]
set min [string trim [lindex $values 2]]
set max [string trim [lindex $values 3]]
set percent [lindex $values 4]
if {[lindex $values 1]} {
error "Cancel"
} elseif {[lindex $values 0]} {
if {![htmlIsInteger $min]} {
alertnote "A minimum value must be specified."
} elseif {[string length $max] && ![htmlIsInteger $max]} {
alertnote "Not a valid number for maximum value."
} elseif {[string length $max] && $max < $min} {
alertnote "Maxvalue is smaller than minvalue."
} else {
set number "$min:"
if {[string length $max]} {
append number "$max:"
} else {
append number "i:"
if {$percent} {
append number "%"
} else {
append number "n"
return [list "$attr=" $type $number]
Choices {
set i 0
set choices {}
while {1} {
incr i
set values {0 0 {}}
set invalidInput 1
while {$invalidInput} {
set box "-t {Choice $i for $attr} 10 10 210 25 \
-e [list [lindex $values 2]] 10 40 200 55"
if {$i > 1} {append box " -b {No more choices} 220 70 340 90 -b {Remove last} 220 100 340 120"}
set wi 10
set ht 90
if {[llength $allchoices]} {
append box " -t {All choices} 10 70 200 85"
foreach ch $allchoices {
append box " -t $ch $wi $ht [expr $wi + 95] [expr $ht + 15]"
incr wi 100
if {$wi == 210} {
set wi 10
incr ht 20
if {$wi == 110} {incr ht 20}
if {$ht < 130} {set ht 130}
set values [eval [concat dialog -w 350 -h $ht \
-b OK 220 10 285 30 -b Cancel 220 40 285 60 \
if {[lindex $values 1]} {
error "Cancel"
} elseif {$i > 1 && [lindex $values 3] } {
return [list "$attr=" $type $choices]
} elseif {$i > 1 && [lindex $values 4]} {
incr i -1
set choices [lreplace $choices [expr [llength $choices] - 1] [expr [llength $choices] - 1]]
set allchoices [lreplace $allchoices [expr [llength $allchoices] - 1] [expr [llength $allchoices] - 1]]
} elseif {[lindex $values 0]} {
set thischoice [string toupper [string trim [lindex $values 2]]]
if {![regexp {^[-_a-zA-Z0-9\.]*$} $thischoice]} {
alertnote "Invalid characters in choice. For example, it may not contain spaces."
} elseif {[string length $thischoice]} {
if {[lsearch -exact $allchoices $thischoice] >=0 } {
alertnote "$attr already has a choice '$thischoice'."
} else {
set invalidInput 0
lappend choices $thischoice
lappend allchoices $thischoice
Flag {return [list $attr $type]}
if {[lsearch -exact $htmlURLAttr "$attr="] < 0 && ([lsearch -exact $allHTMLattrs "$attr="] >= 0
|| [lsearch -exact $allHTMLattrs $attr] >= 0)} {
lappend specURL "${element}=$attr"
return [list "$attr=" $type]
Color {
if {[lsearch -exact $htmlColorAttr "$attr="] < 0 && ([lsearch -exact $allHTMLattrs "$attr="] >= 0
|| [lsearch -exact $allHTMLattrs $attr] >= 0)} {
lappend specColor "${element}=$attr"
return [list "$attr=" $type]
Window {
if {[lsearch -exact $htmlWindowAttr "$attr="] < 0 && ([lsearch -exact $allHTMLattrs "$attr="] >= 0
|| [lsearch -exact $allHTMLattrs $attr] >= 0)} {
lappend specWindow "${element}=$attr"
return [list "$attr=" $type]
"Event handler" {
return [list "$attr=" $type]
proc htmlSetCustProc1 {values elemType element} {
set box "-t {Layout} 80 10 180 25 \
-c {Always a new line before tag.} [lindex $values 0] 10 40 225 55 \
-c {Always a new line after tag.} [lindex $values 1] 10 60 225 75 \
-b OK 20 90 85 110 -b Cancel 105 90 170 110"
set values [eval [concat dialog -w 230 -h 120 $box]]
if {[lindex $values 3]} {return}
switch $elemType {
normal {set customproc "htmlBuildOpening $element"}
input {set customproc "htmlBuildInputElem $element"}
plugin {set customproc "htmlBuildOpening EMBED"}
lappend customproc [lindex $values 0] [lindex $values 1]
if {$elemType == "plugin"} {lappend customproc $element}
return $customproc
proc htmlSetCustProc2 {values element} {
set box "-t {Layout} 80 10 180 25 \
-r {text<TAG>text</TAG>text} [lindex $values 0] 10 40 200 60 \
-r {text\r<TAG>text</TAG>\rtext} [lindex $values 1] 10 70 150 130 \
-r {blank line\r<TAG>text</TAG>\rblank line} [lindex $values 2] 10 140 150 200 \
-r {blank line\r<TAG>\rtext\r</TAG>\rblank line} [lindex $values 3] 10 210 150 310"
set values [eval [concat dialog -w 200 -h 350 \
-b OK 20 320 85 340 -b Cancel 105 320 170 340 $box]]
if {[lindex $values 1]} {return}
if {[lindex $values 2]} {set customproc "htmlBuildElem $element"}
if {[lindex $values 3]} {set customproc "htmlBuildCRElem $element"}
if {[lindex $values 4]} {set customproc "htmlBuildCRElem $element 1"}
if {[lindex $values 5]} {set customproc "htmlBuildCR2Elem $element"}
return $customproc
# Add new attributes to an element.
proc htmlNewAttributes {} {
global htmlElemAttrOptional1 htmlURLAttr htmlColorAttr htmlWindowAttr htmlElemKeyBinding
global PREFS htmlElemAttrRequired1 htmlElemAttrChoices1 htmlElemAttrNumber1
global htmlElemEventHandler1 HTMLmodeVars htmlSpecURL htmlSpecColor htmlSpecWindow
global specURL specColor specWindow htmlVersion htmlShownWarning htmlAdditionExist
if {[info exists htmlShownWarning]} {htmlDisabled}
if {[catch {listpick -p "Select element to add attributes to." \
[lsort [array names htmlElemAttrOptional1]]} element] || \
![string length $element]} {return}
set allattrs {}
foreach e [htmlGetRequired $element] {
lappend allattrs [string trimright $e =]
foreach e [htmlGetOptional $element 1] {
lappend allattrs [string trimright $e =]
set attributes [htmlGetCustomAttrs $element $allattrs 0]
if {![string length [join $attributes ""]]} {return}
set AttrOptional [lindex $attributes 0]
set AttrRequired [lindex $attributes 1]
set AttrNumber [lindex $attributes 2]
set AttrChoices [lindex $attributes 3]
set EventHandler [lindex $attributes 4]
set URL [lindex $attributes 5]
set Color [lindex $attributes 6]
set Window [lindex $attributes 7]
if {[regexp { } $element]} {
set arg "\[list $element\]"
} else {
set arg $element
# Save the element
message "Saving new attributes…"
set isfile [file exists $PREFS:HTMLadditions.tcl]
if {![file exists $PREFS]} {mkdir $PREFS}
set fid [open $PREFS:HTMLadditions.tcl a+]
if {!$isfile} {puts $fid $htmlVersion}
foreach rcne [list AttrRequired AttrChoices AttrNumber EventHandler AttrOptional] {
if {[string length [set $rcne]]} {
puts $fid "[list $element] \{lappend htmlElem${rcne}1($arg) [set $rcne]\}"
append htmlElem${rcne}1($element) " " [set $rcne]
foreach ucw [list URL Color Window] {
if {[string length [set $ucw]]} {
foreach a [set $ucw] {
puts $fid "[list $element] \{lappend html${ucw}Attr $a\}"
lappend html${ucw}Attr $a
foreach ucw [list URL Color Window] {
if {[llength [set spec$ucw]]} {
puts $fid "[list $element] \{lappend htmlSpec$ucw [set spec$ucw]\}"
append htmlSpec$ucw " " [set spec$ucw]
close $fid
set htmlAdditionExist 1
htmlEnableExtend [info exists htmlElemKeyBinding] $htmlAdditionExist
if {!$HTMLmodeVars(simpleColoring)} {
regModeKeywords -a -k $HTMLmodeVars(attributeColor) \
HTML [concat $AttrRequired $AttrOptional]
unset specURL
unset specColor
unset specWindow
message "Done."
if {[llength [htmlGetOptional $element 1]]} {htmlUseAttributes2 $element}
# Add new choices to an attribute with predefined choices.
proc htmlNewChoices {} {
global htmlElemAttrChoices1 PREFS htmlVersion htmlShownWarning htmlAdditionExist
global htmlElemKeyBinding
if {[info exists htmlShownWarning]} {htmlDisabled}
if {[catch {listpick -p "Select element to add choices to." \
[lsort [array names htmlElemAttrChoices1]]} element] || \
![string length $element]} {return}
set choiceatts ""
foreach e $htmlElemAttrChoices1($element) {
regexp {[^=]*} $e attr
if {[lsearch $choiceatts $attr] < 0} {lappend choiceatts $attr}
if {[catch {listpick -p "Select attribute to add choices to." [lsort $choiceatts]} attr] || \
![string length $attr]} {return}
foreach c $htmlElemAttrChoices1($element) {
if {[string match "${attr}=*" $c]} {
lappend allchoices [string range $c [expr [string length $attr] + 1] end]
set newchoices [htmlCustomAttrFix $element $attr Choices [htmlGetAllAttrs] $allchoices]
foreach c [lindex $newchoices 2] {
lappend choices "${attr}=$c"
if {[regexp { } $element]} {
set arg "\[list $element\]"
} else {
set arg $element
# Save the choices
set isfile [file exists $PREFS:HTMLadditions.tcl]
if {![file exists $PREFS]} {mkdir $PREFS}
set fid [open $PREFS:HTMLadditions.tcl a+]
if {!$isfile} {puts $fid $htmlVersion}
puts $fid "[list $element] \{lappend htmlElemAttrChoices1($arg) $choices\}"
append htmlElemAttrChoices1($element) " " $choices
close $fid
set htmlAdditionExist 1
htmlEnableExtend [info exists htmlElemKeyBinding] $htmlAdditionExist
message "New choices saved."
# Change key binding for a custom element.
proc htmlChangeKeyBinding {} {
global htmlElemKeyBinding PREFS htmlShownWarning cssModeIsLoaded
if {[info exists htmlShownWarning]} {htmlDisabled}
if {![info exists htmlElemKeyBinding]} {
alertnote "No custom elements are defined."
if {[catch {listpick -p "Select element to change key binding for." \
[lsort [array names htmlElemKeyBinding]]} elem] || ![string length $elem]} {return}
if {[catch {dialog::getAKey $elem $htmlElemKeyBinding($elem)} keyStr]} {return}
if {![file exists $PREFS:HTMLadditions.tcl]} {
alertnote "Cannot find 'HTMLadditions.tcl'. Key binding cannot be changed."
set fid [open $PREFS:HTMLadditions.tcl r]
set filecont [string trimright [read $fid] "\n"]
close $fid
foreach line [split $filecont "\n"] {
if {[lindex $line 0] == $elem && [regexp {htmlElemKeyBinding} $line]} {
append newlines "$elem \{set htmlElemKeyBinding($elem) [list $keyStr]\}\n"
} else {
append newlines "$line\n"
set fid [open $PREFS:HTMLadditions.tcl w]
puts -nonewline $fid $newlines
close $fid
htmlDeleteCache "CSS keybindings cache"
if {[info exists cssModeIsLoaded]} {
cssBindOneKey $htmlElemKeyBinding($elem) $elem un
cssBindOneKey $keyStr $elem
set htmlElemKeyBinding($elem) $keyStr
htmlRebuildMenu "Redefining key binding…"
message "Done."
# Change type and layout for a custom element.
proc htmlChangeTypeandLayout {} {
global htmlElemKeyBinding htmlElemProc PREFS htmlPlugins htmlShownWarning
if {[info exists htmlShownWarning]} {htmlDisabled}
if {![info exists htmlElemKeyBinding]} {
alertnote "No custom elements are defined."
if {[catch {listpick -p "Select element to change type and layout for." \
[lsort [array names htmlElemKeyBinding]]} elem] || ![string length $elem]} {return}
set eproc $htmlElemProc($elem)
set proctype [lindex $eproc 0]
if {$proctype == "htmlBuildOpening" || $proctype == "htmlBuildInputElem"} {
if {[lindex $eproc 1] == "EMBED"} {
set type plugin
} else {
set type normal
if {$proctype == "htmlBuildInputElem"} {set type input}
set closing 0
set values "[lindex $eproc 2] [lindex $eproc 3]"
} else {
set type normal
set closing 1
if {$proctype == "htmlBuildElem"} {set values {1 0 0 0}}
if {$proctype == "htmlBuildCRElem" && [llength $eproc] == 2} {set values {0 1 0 0}}
if {$proctype == "htmlBuildCRElem" && [llength $eproc] == 3} {set values {0 0 1 0}}
if {$proctype == "htmlBuildCR2Elem"} {set values {0 0 0 1}}
set box "-t $elem 100 10 300 25 \
-c {Has closing tag} $closing 10 40 150 55 \
-t {Element type} 10 80 100 95 -r Normal [regexp {normal} $type] 10 100 100 115 \
-r {INPUT element with TYPE given above} [regexp {input} $type] 10 120 300 135 \
-r {Plug-in} [regexp {plugin} $type] 10 140 100 155 \
-b OK 20 170 85 190 -b Cancel 105 170 170 190"
set typeval [eval [concat dialog -w 310 -h 200 $box]]
if {[lindex $typeval 5]} {return}
set newclosing [lindex $typeval 0]
if {[lindex $typeval 1]} {set newtype normal}
if {[lindex $typeval 2]} {set newtype input; set newclosing 0}
if {[lindex $typeval 3]} {set newtype plugin; set newclosing 0}
if {$newclosing} {
if {$newclosing != $closing} {set values {1 0 0 0}}
set customproc [htmlSetCustProc2 $values $elem]
} else {
if {$newclosing != $closing} {set values {0 0}}
set customproc [htmlSetCustProc1 $values $newtype $elem]
if {![string length $customproc]} {return}
if {![file exists $PREFS:HTMLadditions.tcl]} {
alertnote "Cannot find 'HTMLadditions.tcl'. Type and layout cannot be changed."
set fid [open $PREFS:HTMLadditions.tcl r]
set filecont [string trimright [read $fid] "\n"]
close $fid
foreach line [split $filecont "\n"] {
if {[lindex $line 0] == $elem && [regexp {htmlElemProc} $line]} {
append newlines "$elem \{set htmlElemProc($elem) [list $customproc]\}\n"
} elseif {$type == "plugin" && $newtype != "plugin" && [lindex $line 0] == $elem && \
[regexp {htmlPlugins} $line]} {
set where [lsearch -exact $htmlPlugins $elem]
set htmlPlugins [lreplace $htmlPlugins $where $where]
} else {
append newlines "$line\n"
if {$newtype == "plugin" && $type != "plugin"} {
lappend htmlPlugins $elem
append newlines "$elem \{lappend htmlPlugins $elem\}\n"
set fid [open $PREFS:HTMLadditions.tcl w]
puts -nonewline $fid $newlines
close $fid
set htmlElemProc($elem) $customproc
message "Type and layout redefined."
# Remove custom element ot additions to an element.
proc htmlRemoveAdditions {} {
global htmlElemAttrOptional1 htmlURLAttr htmlColorAttr htmlWindowAttr cssModeIsLoaded
global PREFS htmlElemAttrRequired1 htmlElemAttrChoices1 htmlElemAttrNumber1
global htmlElemEventHandler1 htmlElemProc htmlElemKeyBinding htmlPlugins
global htmlSpecURL htmlSpecColor htmlSpecWindow htmlVersion htmlShownWarning htmlAdditionExist
if {[info exists htmlShownWarning]} {htmlDisabled}
if {![file exists $PREFS:HTMLadditions.tcl]} {
if {[info exists htmlElemKeyBinding]} {
alertnote "Cannot find 'HTMLadditions.tcl'. Custom additions cannot be removed."
} else {
alertnote "No custom additions has been made."
set fid [open $PREFS:HTMLadditions.tcl r]
set additions [string trimright [read $fid] "\n"]
close $fid
set elems ""
foreach line [lrange [split $additions "\n"] 1 end] {
set element [lindex $line 0]
if {[lsearch -exact $elems $element] < 0} {lappend elems $element}
if {[catch {listpick -p "Select element to remove additions from." [lsort $elems]} element] || \
![string length $element] || [askyesno "Remove additions from $element?"] == "no"} {return}
message "Removing additions to $element…"
set isNewElem [info exists htmlElemKeyBinding($element)]
# If new element, unset all its variables.
if {$isNewElem} {
catch {unset htmlElemAttrRequired1($element)}
catch {unset htmlElemAttrChoices1($element)}
catch {unset htmlElemAttrNumber1($element)}
catch {unset htmlElemAttrOptional1($element)}
catch {unset htmlElemEventHandler1($element)}
if {[info exists cssModeIsLoaded]} {
cssBindOneKey $htmlElemKeyBinding($element) $element un
set tmpkey $htmlElemKeyBinding($element)
catch {unset htmlElemKeyBinding($element)}
catch {unset htmlElemProc($element)}
set isPlugin [lsearch -exact $htmlPlugins $element]
if {$isPlugin >=0 } {set htmlPlugins [lreplace $htmlPlugins $isPlugin $isPlugin]}
if {![llength [array names htmlElemKeyBinding]]} {
catch {unset htmlElemKeyBinding}
if {[string length $tmpkey]} {
set key [string tolower [string range $tmpkey [expr [string length $tmpkey] - 1] end]]
set mods ""
foreach m [split [string range $tmpkey 1 [expr [string length $tmpkey] - 3]] < ] {
if {$m == "B"} {append mods z}
if {$m == "I"} {append mods o}
if {$m == "U"} {append mods s}
if {$m == "O"} {append mods c}
catch {unbind '$key' <$mods> {} HTML}
if {![llength [array names htmlElemProc]]} {catch {unset htmlElemProc}}
set newlines ""
foreach line [lrange [split $additions "\n"] 1 end] {
set command [lindex $line 1]
if {[lindex $line 0] != $element} {
append newlines "$line\n"
} elseif {[lindex $command 0] == "lappend"} {
set var [lindex $command 1]
# Remove from URL, Color and Window lists.
foreach ucw [list URL Color Window] {
if {$var == "html${ucw}Attr"} {
lappend ${ucw}maybe [lindex $command 2]
set where [lsearch -exact [set html${ucw}Attr] [lindex $command 2]]
set html${ucw}Attr [lreplace [set html${ucw}Attr] $where $where]
if {$var == "htmlSpec${ucw}"} {
foreach c [lrange $command 2 end] {
set where [lsearch -exact [set htmlSpec${ucw}] $c]
set htmlSpec${ucw} [lreplace [set htmlSpec${ucw}] $where $where]
# If added attribute to old element, remove attribute
if {!$isNewElem && $var != "htmlURLAttr" && $var != "htmlColorAttr" && \
$var != "htmlWindowAttr" && $var != "htmlSpecURL" && $var != "htmlSpecColor" && \
$var != "htmlSpecWindow"} {
regexp {([^\(]+)\(([^\)]+)\)[ ]+(.+)} [lrange $command 1 end] dummy var arg added
foreach c $added {
set where [lsearch -exact [set ${var}($element)] $c]
set ${var}($element) [lreplace [set ${var}($element)] $where $where]
# Unset empty lists for old variables.
if {!$isNewElem} {
foreach c [list AttrRequired AttrChoices AttrNumber EventHandler] {
if {[info exists html${c}1($element)] && ![llength html${c}1($element)]} {
unset html${c}1($element)
# URL, Color or Window attributes just removed
# should be replaced if they are used by some other element.
foreach ucw [list URL Color Window] {
if {[info exists ${ucw}maybe]} {
append newlines [htmlUCWmaybe $ucw [set ${ucw}maybe]]
if {[string length $newlines]} {
set fid [open $PREFS:HTMLadditions.tcl w]
puts -nonewline $fid "$htmlVersion\n$newlines"
close $fid
} else {
removeFile $PREFS:HTMLadditions.tcl
set htmlAdditionExist 0
htmlDeleteCache "CSS keybindings cache"
htmlEnableExtend [info exists htmlElemKeyBinding] $htmlAdditionExist
if {$isNewElem} {htmlRebuildMenu "Rebuilding HTML menu…"}
message "Done."
proc htmlUCWmaybe {ucw maybe} {
global htmlElemAttrRequired1 htmlElemAttrOptional1 htmlSpecURL htmlSpecColor htmlSpecWindow
global htmlURLAttr htmlColorAttr htmlWindowAttr
set newlines ""
foreach m $maybe {
set foundit 0
foreach e [array names htmlElemAttrRequired1] {
if {[lsearch -exact $htmlElemAttrRequired1($e) $m] >= 0 && \
[lsearch -exact [set htmlSpec$ucw] "$e!=[string trimright $m =]"] < 0} {
append newlines "[list $e] \{lappend html${ucw}Attr $m\}\n"
lappend html${ucw}Attr $m
set foundit 1
if {$foundit} {continue}
foreach e [array names htmlElemAttrOptional1] {
if {[lsearch -exact $htmlElemAttrOptional1($e) $m] >= 0 && \
[lsearch -exact [set htmlSpec$ucw] "$e!=[string trimright $m =]"] < 0} {
append newlines "[list $e] \{lappend html${ucw}Attr $m\}\n"
lappend html${ucw}Attr $m
return $newlines
# Remove custom element ot additions to an element.
proc htmlRemoveAttributes {} {
global htmlElemAttrOptional1 htmlURLAttr htmlColorAttr htmlWindowAttr
global PREFS htmlElemAttrRequired1 htmlElemAttrChoices1 htmlElemAttrNumber1
global htmlElemEventHandler1 htmlAdditionExist htmlElemKeyBinding
global htmlSpecURL htmlSpecColor htmlSpecWindow htmlVersion htmlShownWarning
if {[info exists htmlShownWarning]} {htmlDisabled}
if {![file exists $PREFS:HTMLadditions.tcl]} {
if {[info exists htmlElemKeyBinding]} {
alertnote "Cannot find 'HTMLadditions.tcl'. Custom additions cannot be removed."
} else {
alertnote "No custom additions has been made."
set fid [open $PREFS:HTMLadditions.tcl r]
set additions [string trimright [read $fid] "\n"]
close $fid
set elems ""
foreach line [lrange [split $additions "\n"] 1 end] {
set element [lindex $line 0]
if {[lsearch -exact $elems $element] < 0 && \
[llength [concat [htmlGetRequired $element] [htmlGetOptional $element 1]]]} {
lappend elems $element
if {[catch {listpick -p "Select element to remove attributes from." [lsort $elems]} element] || \
![string length $element]} {return}
set allatts {}
foreach line [lrange [split $additions "\n"] 1 end] {
set command [lindex $line 1]
if {[lindex $line 0] == $element} {
regexp {([^\(]+)\(([^\)]+)\)[ ]+(.+)} [lrange $command 1 end] dummy var arg added
set added [string trimleft [string trimright $added \}] \{]
if {$var == "htmlElemAttrRequired1" || $var == "htmlElemAttrOptional1" || $var == "htmlElemEventHandler1"} {
foreach c $added {
if {[lsearch -exact $allatts [string trimright $c =]] < 0} {
lappend allatts [string trimright $c =]
} elseif {$var == "htmlElemAttrChoices1"} {
foreach c $added {
regexp {[^=]+} $c tmp
if {[lsearch -exact $allatts $tmp] < 0} {
lappend allatts $tmp
if {[catch {listpick -p "Select attributes to remove." -l [lsort $allatts]} attrs] || \
![string length $attrs]} {return}
set newlines ""
foreach line [lrange [split $additions "\n"] 1 end] {
set command [lindex $line 1]
if {[lindex $line 0] != $element} {
append newlines "$line\n"
} else {
set var [lindex $command 1]
# Remove from URL, Color and Window lists.
foreach ucw [list URL Color Window] {
if {$var == "html${ucw}Attr"} {
if {[lsearch -exact $attrs [string trimright [lindex $command 2] =]] >= 0} {
lappend ${ucw}maybe [lindex $command 2]
set where [lsearch -exact [set html${ucw}Attr] [lindex $command 2]]
set html${ucw}Attr [lreplace [set html${ucw}Attr] $where $where]
} else {
append newlines "$line\n"
if {$var == "htmlSpec${ucw}"} {
set tmpadd [lrange $command 2 end]
foreach c $tmpadd {
regexp {[^!=]+!?=(.*)} $c dum tmp
if {[lsearch -exact $attrs $tmp] >= 0} {
set where [lsearch -exact [set htmlSpec${ucw}] $c]
set htmlSpec${ucw} [lreplace [set htmlSpec${ucw}] $where $where]
set where [lsearch -exact $tmpadd $c]
set tmpadd [lreplace $tmpadd $where $where]
if {[llength $tmpadd]} {append newlines "[list $element] \{lappend htmlSpec${ucw} $tmpadd\}\n"}
if {[lsearch {htmlURLAttr htmlColorAttr htmlWindowAttr htmlSpecURL htmlSpecColor htmlSpecWindow htmlPlugins} $var] < 0 && \
![string match "htmlElemKeyBinding*" $var] && ![string match "htmlElemProc*" $var]} {
regexp {([^\(]+)\(([^\)]+)\)[ ]+(.+)} [lrange $command 1 end] dummy var arg added
set added [string trimleft [string trimright $added \}] \{]
foreach c $added {
regexp {[^=]+} $c tmp
if {[lsearch -exact $attrs $tmp] >= 0} {
set where [lsearch -exact [set ${var}($element)] $c]
set ${var}($element) [lreplace [set ${var}($element)] $where $where]
set where [lsearch -exact $added $c]
set added [lreplace $added $where $where]
if {[llength $added] || ([lindex $command 0] == "set" && $var == "htmlElemAttrOptional1")} {
if {[lindex $command 0] == "set"} {set added [list $added]}
append newlines "[list $element] \{[lindex $command 0] ${var}($arg) $added\}\n"
if {[string match "htmlElemKeyBinding*" $var] || [string match "htmlElemProc*" $var]} {
append newlines "$line\n"
# Unset empty lists.
foreach c [list AttrRequired AttrChoices AttrNumber EventHandler] {
if {[info exists html${c}1($element)] && ![llength html${c}1($element)]} {
unset html${c}1($element)
# URL, Color or Window attributes just removed
# should be replaced if they are used by some other element.
foreach ucw [list URL Color Window] {
if {[info exists ${ucw}maybe]} {
append newlines [htmlUCWmaybe $ucw [set ${ucw}maybe]]
if {[string length $newlines]} {
set fid [open $PREFS:HTMLadditions.tcl w]
puts -nonewline $fid "$htmlVersion\n$newlines"
close $fid
} else {
removeFile $PREFS:HTMLadditions.tcl
set htmlAdditionExist 0
htmlEnableExtend [info exists htmlElemKeyBinding] $htmlAdditionExist
message "Attributes removed from $element."
# Home pages
# Dialog to handle servers and corresponding home page folders.
proc htmlHomePages {{this ""}} {
global modifiedModeVars HTMLmodeVars
set pages $HTMLmodeVars(homePages)
set servers $HTMLmodeVars(FTPservers)
set touchedIt 0
if {$this == ""} {set this ∞}
while {1} {
set box "-t {Home pages} 180 10 300 30 -t {Server URLs:} 10 40 100 60 \
-t {Home Page Folder:} 10 70 110 110 \
-t {Include Folder:} 10 120 110 140 -t {Default file:} 10 170 100 190 \
-t {Ftp server:} 10 200 100 220 -t {User ID:} 10 225 100 245 \
-t Password: 10 250 100 270 -t Directory: 10 275 100 295 \
-b OK 10 330 75 350 -b Cancel 90 330 155 350 -b New… 170 330 235 350 \
-c {Tell Big Brother} 0 320 300 440 320"
if {[llength $pages]} {
set pgs ""
foreach pg $pages {
lappend pgs "[lindex $pg 1][lindex $pg 2]"
append box " -m [list [concat $this $pgs]] 110 40 440 60"
append box " -b Change… 250 330 320 350 -b Remove 335 330 400 350"
foreach pg $pages {
lappend box -n "[lindex $pg 1][lindex $pg 2]" -t [lindex $pg 0] 120 70 440 110 \
-t [lindex $pg 3] 110 170 310 190
if {[llength $pg] == 5} {lappend box -t [lindex $pg 4] 120 120 440 160}
foreach f $servers {
if {[lindex $f 0] == [lindex $pg 0]} {
lappend box -t [lindex $f 1] 120 200 440 220 \
-t [lindex $f 2] 120 225 440 245
set pwb ""
for {set i 0} {$i < [string length [lindex $f 3]]} {incr i} {
append pwb •
lappend box -t $pwb 120 250 440 270 \
-t [lindex $f 4] 120 275 440 295
} else {
append box " -m {{None defined} {None defined}} 110 40 440 60"
set values [eval [concat dialog -w 450 -h 360 $box]]
set this [lindex $values 4]
if {[lindex $values 0]} {
set HTMLmodeVars(homePages) $pages
set HTMLmodeVars(FTPservers) $servers
lappend modifiedModeVars {homePages HTMLmodeVars} {FTPservers HTMLmodeVars}
if {[lindex $values 3]} {
if {[htmlGetVersion Bbth] < 1.1} {
alertnote "Cannot change the settings in Big Brother. You need Big Brother 1.1 or later."
} elseif {[askyesno "Change URL mappings in Big Brother?"] == "yes"} {
if {![app::isRunning Bbth] && [catch {app::launchBack Bbth}]} {
alertnote "Could not find or launch Big Brother."
set urlmap [htmlURLmap]
AEBuild 'Bbth' core setd "----" "obj{want:type('mapG'),from:null(),form:'prop',seld:type('mapS')}" "data" "\[$urlmap\]"
} elseif {[lindex $values 1]} {
if {!$touchedIt || [askyesno "Really cancel without saving changes?"] == "yes"} {return}
} elseif {[lindex $values 2]} {
set newpg {{} {} {} "index.html" {}}
set newserver {{} {} {} {}}
while {1} {
if {[catch {htmlSetHomePages $pages [lindex $newpg 0] "[lindex $newpg 1][lindex $newpg 2]" [lindex $newpg 3] [lindex $newpg 4]} newpg]} {break}
if {[htmlTestHomePage $pages $newpg]} {
lappend pages $newpg
if {[lindex $newserver 0] != ""} {lappend servers [concat [list [lindex $newpg 0]] $newserver]}
set this "[lindex $newpg 1][lindex $newpg 2]"
set touchedIt 1
} else {
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $pages]} {incr i} {
if {"[lindex [lindex $pages $i] 1][lindex [lindex $pages $i] 2]" == $this} {
if {[lindex $values 5]} {
set newpg [lindex $pages $i]
set pg "[lindex $newpg 1][lindex $newpg 2]"
set oldpage [lindex $newpg 0]
set newserver {{} {} {} {}}
foreach f $servers {
if {[lindex $f 0] == $oldpage} {set newserver [lrange $f 1 end]}
while {1} {
if {[catch {htmlSetHomePages $pages [lindex $newpg 0] "[lindex $newpg 1][lindex $newpg 2]" [lindex $newpg 3] [lindex $newpg 4] $pg} newpg]} {break}
if {[htmlTestHomePage $pages $newpg $pg]} {
set pages [lreplace $pages $i $i $newpg]
set ns ""
foreach f $servers {
if {[lindex $f 0] != $oldpage} {lappend ns $f}
set servers $ns
if {[lindex $newserver 0] != ""} {lappend servers [concat [list [lindex $newpg 0]] $newserver]}
set this "[lindex $newpg 1][lindex $newpg 2]"
set touchedIt 1
} else {
set tpg [lindex [lindex $pages $i] 0]
set ns ""
foreach f $servers {
if {[lindex $f 0] != $tpg} {lappend ns $f}
set servers $ns
set pages [lreplace $pages $i $i]
set touchedIt 1
# Dialog to define or change a home page.
proc htmlSetHomePages {pages folder url defFile inclFld {pg ""}} {
upvar newserver server
while {1} {
set pwb ""
for {set i 0} {$i < [string length [lindex $server 2]]} {incr i} {
append pwb •
set val [dialog -w 450 -h 320 -t "Home Page Folder:" 10 10 135 30 -t $folder 140 10 440 50 \
-t "Include Folder:" 10 60 110 80 -t $inclFld 130 60 440 100 \
-t "Server URL:" 10 110 90 130 \
-e $url 100 110 440 125 -t "Default file:" 10 145 90 160 \
-e $defFile 100 145 440 160 \
-t "Ftp Server:" 10 180 90 200 -e [lindex $server 0] 100 180 440 195 \
-t "User ID:" 10 205 90 225 -e [lindex $server 1] 100 205 440 220 \
-t "Password:" 10 230 85 250 -t $pwb 160 230 440 245 \
-t "Directory:" 10 260 90 280 -e [lindex $server 3] 100 260 440 275 \
-b OK 20 290 85 310 -b Cancel 110 290 175 310 -b Set… 90 230 150 250 \
-b "Set…" 20 30 80 50 -b "Set…" 10 80 60 100 -b "Unset" 70 80 120 100]
set url [string trim [lindex $val 0]]
set defFile [string trim [lindex $val 1]]
set ftp [string trim [lindex $val 2]]
regexp {^(ftp://)?(.*)$} $ftp dum1 dum2 ftp
set dir [string trimright [string trim [lindex $val 4]] /]
if {[lindex $val 7] && ![catch {htmlGetPassword $ftp} newpw]} {
set pw $newpw
} else {
set pw [lindex $server 2]
set server [list $ftp [string trim [lindex $val 3]] \
$pw $dir]
if {[lindex $val 8] && ![catch {htmlGetAhpFolder "Home Page Folder:" $pages $pg} fld]} {
set folder $fld
} elseif {[lindex $val 9] && ![catch {htmlGetAhpFolder "Include Folder:" $pages $pg} fld]} {
set inclFld $fld
} elseif {[lindex $val 10]} {
set inclFld ""
} elseif {[lindex $val 5]} {
if {![regexp {://} $url] && $url != ""} {
alertnote "The server URL can't be a relative URL."
} elseif {[lindex $server 0] != "" && [lindex $server 1] == ""} {
alertnote "When you specify an ftp server you must give the user ID."
} elseif {$folder == $inclFld} {
alertnote "The home page folder and include folder can't be the same folder."
} elseif {[string length $folder] && [string length $url] && [string length $defFile]} {
regexp -indices {://} $url css
set sl [string first / [string range $url [expr [lindex $css 1] + 1] end]]
if {$sl < 0} {
set base "$url/"
set path ""
} elseif {[string index $url [expr [string length $url] -1]] != "/"} {
alertnote "A directory URL ending with a slash expected."
} else {
set base [string range $url 0 [expr [lindex $css 1] + $sl + 1]]
set path [string range $url [expr [lindex $css 1] + $sl + 2] end]
set ret [list $folder $base $path $defFile]
if {$inclFld != ""} {lappend ret $inclFld}
return $ret
} else {
alertnote "Home page folder, server URL, and default file must be specified."
} elseif {[lindex $val 6]} {
error ""
proc htmlTestHomePage {pages newpg {pg ""}} {
foreach p $pages {
if {"[lindex $p 1][lindex $p 2]" == $pg} {continue}
if {[string match "[lindex $p 1][lindex $p 2]*" "[lindex $newpg 1][lindex $newpg 2]"] ||
[string match "[lindex $newpg 1][lindex $newpg 2]*" "[lindex $p 1][lindex $p 2]"]} {
alertnote "There is already a home page folder for [lindex $p 1][lindex $p 2].\
It overlaps with this one."
return 0
return 1
proc htmlGetAhpFolder {txt pages pg} {
set fld [htmlGetDir $txt]
set msg {"home page" "" "" "" include}
foreach p $pages {
foreach i {0 4} {
if {"[lindex $p 1][lindex $p 2]" == $pg && [regexp -nocase [lindex $msg $i] $txt]
|| [llength $p] == $i} {continue}
if {[string match "[lindex $p $i]:*" "$fld:"] || [string match "$fld:*" "[lindex $p $i]:"]} {
alertnote "This folder overlaps with the [lindex $msg $i] folder for [lindex $p 1][lindex $p 2]."
error ""
return $fld